Jun 3, 2009

Sherry & Derek E-Session

Congratulations to Derek & Sherry who will be tying the Knot on June 27th in Geneva, IL. We are so excited about this wedding, we can hardly wait. Our trip promises lots of adventure from our Thursday arrival in Chicago that includes swing dancing and a food festival to their wedding day in beautiful Geneva, IL. Derek is from Scotland so the guys will be wearing kilts and traditional Scottish attire. It's going to be super-cool. For this engagement session we wanted to capture Derek and Sherry doing some of the things they do for fun, like going down to Kingshead Pub and watching the Ranger's soccer match, or going to the park to play soccer. We are not big soccer fans, but I must admit that we really got into it when we were at the pub with the other Ranger's fans (who by the way did not use profanity at all during the match, they were like nuns ) Sorry to say that the Rangers lost, and now they all think we jinxed them and we are banished from the pub, so, go Celts!! jk .
The rest of the session was a blast, we did 3 locations and we even caught the space shuttle launch. Thanks guys for being so much fun and for risking life and limb climbing those beach rocks. Enjoy!!

1 comment:

Curtis Copeland said...

Great picture Tracey and Martin!
Looking forward to seeing Sherry and Derek's wedding pictures. Have a nice trip!


Sherry & Derek E-Session

Congratulations to Derek & Sherry who will be tying the Knot on June 27th in Geneva, IL. We are so excited about this wedding, we can hardly wait. Our trip promises lots of adventure from our Thursday arrival in Chicago that includes swing dancing and a food festival to their wedding day in beautiful Geneva, IL. Derek is from Scotland so the guys will be wearing kilts and traditional Scottish attire. It's going to be super-cool. For this engagement session we wanted to capture Derek and Sherry doing some of the things they do for fun, like going down to Kingshead Pub and watching the Ranger's soccer match, or going to the park to play soccer. We are not big soccer fans, but I must admit that we really got into it when we were at the pub with the other Ranger's fans (who by the way did not use profanity at all during the match, they were like nuns ) Sorry to say that the Rangers lost, and now they all think we jinxed them and we are banished from the pub, so, go Celts!! jk .
The rest of the session was a blast, we did 3 locations and we even caught the space shuttle launch. Thanks guys for being so much fun and for risking life and limb climbing those beach rocks. Enjoy!!