Jun 22, 2007

Shalonda & Carlton

Here is the slide show with some of the images from Shalonda and Carlton's lovely wedding. It was a great event. A special thank you to Mrs. Inniss (Mother of the Groom). We are happy to have met such a sweet lady. We were glad to have the opportunity to do some portraits with the bride & groom alone before the reception. It turned out great. Just click on the image above to view the slide show.

Jun 1, 2007

Sharon & Todd Wedding

Wonderful! Perfect! We had a grand time at the wedding of Sharon and Todd. It was total excitement from beginning to end. Their personal vows were a perfect highlight to the evening. We were all blessed to be a part of all this love. The party was great with lots of dancing. I can't wait to see the video. A perfect and beautiful wedding for a perfect and beautiful couple. We love you Sharodd! CLICK PHOTO TO SEE SLIDE SHOW.

Shalonda & Carlton

Here is the slide show with some of the images from Shalonda and Carlton's lovely wedding. It was a great event. A special thank you to Mrs. Inniss (Mother of the Groom). We are happy to have met such a sweet lady. We were glad to have the opportunity to do some portraits with the bride & groom alone before the reception. It turned out great. Just click on the image above to view the slide show.

Sharon & Todd Wedding

Wonderful! Perfect! We had a grand time at the wedding of Sharon and Todd. It was total excitement from beginning to end. Their personal vows were a perfect highlight to the evening. We were all blessed to be a part of all this love. The party was great with lots of dancing. I can't wait to see the video. A perfect and beautiful wedding for a perfect and beautiful couple. We love you Sharodd! CLICK PHOTO TO SEE SLIDE SHOW.