Feb 23, 2009

Mariel & Clark New Year's Day Wedding

This was a great start to 2009. We had a lot of fun this New Year's day thanks to Mariel and Clark and both of their families. Can you say dance machines? These guys danced all night. They gave us all we could ask for, a couple truly in love, great family and friends who treated us like part of the family, and lots and lots of dancing. Plus Clark sang to Mariel :) which is always cool. I only wish I could sing :( but at least I can dance.
Thanks again Mariel and Clark, I wanna say you ROCK but you also SALSA!! :)



Unknown said...

If we salsa then you two SWING!! The pictures captured the happiness and love that we felt from our family, friends, and each other. Thank you so much for being the kind of people whose integrity shows, patience abounds, and love translates to all! What an awesome memory of our special day.

Anonymous said...

Wow, Tracey you captured it beautifully, you are not just a good wedding photographer, you are an artist, I love it!!!
Ignacio(father- of- the- bride).
Chula Vista, CA

Anonymous said...

Tracy-Ann and Martin

You guys are amazing...first of all I can attest to your swing dancing. Thanks once again for volunteering your time and being our special guest at the children's museum.

Everybody was worried about the wind that day...but you were able to capture its magic.
It was truly special what God created that day for Mariel & Clark...and you were there...ready!

As a Wedding Coordinator is pure joy to work with people like you and Martin.
When you are behind the scenes..and miss a lot of the action..it is truly rewarding to see that all the planning and all the details...when put together..create something magical.

I will definitely be telling all my brides about you.

Mariel & Clark New Year's Day Wedding

This was a great start to 2009. We had a lot of fun this New Year's day thanks to Mariel and Clark and both of their families. Can you say dance machines? These guys danced all night. They gave us all we could ask for, a couple truly in love, great family and friends who treated us like part of the family, and lots and lots of dancing. Plus Clark sang to Mariel :) which is always cool. I only wish I could sing :( but at least I can dance.
Thanks again Mariel and Clark, I wanna say you ROCK but you also SALSA!! :)
